Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Dilate Erode Copernicus node

Dilates or erodes a layer.

On this page

This node dilates or erodes an input layer. This is generally useful to expand or shrink masks.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


The amount of the new value to mix in with the original value. Higher values mix in more of the new value. Lower values mix in less of the new value. A value of 1 means this node uses only the new value.

The default value is 1. See Mask for more information.


Dilates or erodes the layer by this amount. Positive numbers dilate, negative numbers erode. This radius is clamped by Maximum Radius.

Soft Edge

Adds a gradient to the erosion or dilation. This creates a softer edge around the dilated or eroded areas.

Fill Holes / Remove Specks

Dilates the layer inward. For example, if you have a circle with some holes inside, you can use this option to patch those and end up with a fully filled circle.

Maximum Radius

Clamps Radius to this value. Increasing the Radius past a certain point has a performance hit so this parameter attempts to mitigate that.



The original layer to dilate or erode.


If you connect to this input, this is the per-pixel radius to dilate or erode by that’s scaled by the Radius parameter.


An optional per-pixel mask amount that’s scaled by the Mask parameter.



The dilated or eroded source layer.

Copernicus nodes