Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

UV Sample Copernicus node

Samples an input layer using a UV layer.

On this page

This operation looks up values in an input layer using a UV layer as the coordinates to read from.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.

UV Space

Which space the UV input is in. This affects the required range of the UV input.


Texture space is 0 to 1 in the data window of the input. This provides normalized coordinates that are independent of the aspect ratio of the source, so useful for looking up into a lat-long map, for example.


Image space is -1 to 1 in the display window of the input. This preserves square pixels for non-square aspect ratios. It also is invariant to cropping or overscan.

Filter Scale

For non-identity UV maps the input has to be filtered to avoid aliasing. The scale of this defaults to the size of the voxels, but can be increased or decreased as necessary to reflect the actual nature of the UV map.


The method used to sample the image.

The default value is Box. See Filters for more information.



A UV layer providing the coordinates to use for the output pixels. This also provides the resolution and metadata of the otuput.


A Mono layer providing a per-pixel filter scale multiplier. The global filter scale is multplied by this value. The provided uvmap may have seams so can’t be inspected to figure out the rate of change, so an explicit input is required.


A Mono, UV, RGB, or RGBA input to sample.



The UV layer with each pixel set to the corresponding values from the texture input.

See also

Copernicus nodes