Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

HSV Adjust Copernicus node

Converts between RGB and HSV color spaces, or modifies HSV.

On this page

This node converts between RGB and HSV color spaces and performs a variety of HSV operations.


HSV refers to hue, saturation, and value (brightness).

To convert between spaces, set Operation to Convert RGB to HSV or Convert HSV to RGB. Converting to HSV space lets you use any node to manipulate HSV and then convert it back into RGB space.

You can also use this node to apply global hue, saturation, and value shifts by setting Operation to Hue/Sat/Val Adjust. Normal saturation values lie between 0 (gray) and 1 (full color saturation). Normal color values for brightness lie between 0 (black) and 1 (white).



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


The amount of the new value to mix in with the original value. Higher values mix in more of the new value. Lower values mix in less of the new value.

The default value is 1, which means this node uses only the new value. See Mask for more information.


The operation that this node performs.

Hue/Sat/Val Adjust

Modify the hue, saturation, and value of the pixels.

Convert RGB to HSV

Convert the RGB space into the HSV space.

Convert HSV to RGB

Convert the HSV space into the RGB space.

Hue Shift

The amount (in degrees) to shift the hue around the HSV cone. This changes all colors to different hues. Gray pixels aren’t affected.

Keep Luminance

Maintains the perceptual luminance of the pixel when hues shift since some hues appear brighter than others.

Saturation Scale

The amount to increase (>1) or decrease (<1) the color saturation of the image.

Saturation Shift

The amount to shift the color saturation of the pixels. Shifting is normally used only to reduce the saturation, otherwise grayscale elements suddenly take on a random color.

Value Scale

The amount to adjust the value (brightness) of the pixel.

Value Shift

The value (brightness) to add to all pixels.

Treat RGBA as Premultiplied

Treats RGBA as premultiplied, which multiplies the red, green, and blue channels by the alpha channel.



The original layer to which you apply the HSV effect.


An optional per-pixel mask amount that’s scaled by the Mask parameter.



The layer with the HSV effect applied.

Copernicus nodes