Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Polar to UV Copernicus node

Converts polar coordinate pixels to Cartesian pixels.

On this page

A position in 2d space can be specified as Cartesian coordinates, ie, the x and y locations along a pair of axes. It can also be represented as Polar coordinates, which are a distance from an origin and an angle about the origin measured from the x-axis.

This operation converts the polar location into a Cartesian location. Note this affects each pixel in place - it does not move pixels from a polar mapping to a cartesian mapping. To move pixels instead build a UV Map COP, apply this node, and then a UV Sample COP.


Angle Units

There are several different ways to specify angles. The default is to use the number of rotations about the axis, which nicel gives a zero to one range.


Angles are stored as distance around a unit circle. This is used by VEX and OpenCL math functions.


Angles are stored by degrees. This is used by expressions, and is the usual human readable format.

Circles (2pi)

Angles are stored as number of complete rotations. This is the radian measure divided by 2pi, or the degree divided by 360. It nicely ranges from 0 to 1 making it easy to visualize and work with.


The angle to use if no angle input is provided.


The distance from origin to use if no length input is provided.



An optional mono layer specifying how far about the origin the point is rotated.


An optional mono layer storing distance from the origin.



A UV layer consisting of Cartesian coordinates corresponding to the provided polar coordinates.

See also

Copernicus nodes