Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Wipe Copernicus node

Performs a wipe transition between two images.

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This node performs a wipe between two input sequences. A wipe is a gradual transition from one image to another. The node’s default settings output a standard wipe that travels left to right, with the b input on the left and the a input on the right.

This node overlaps two images, with the b input on top of the a input, and the node’s parameters control how the two images overlap to create a transition effect. For example, set Operation to Wipe and Shape to Rectangle to display a square section of the top layer with the bottom layer’s exposed sections acting as a border. You can wire in shape and mask inputs to further customize the Shape and Mask parameters.

For example, use this node to create a pixelated digital billboard effect that changes from one image to another.

Use this node instead of the Blend COP when you want to control where and how the layers overlap. The Blend COP keeps the two layers completely overlapped in the space.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


The amount of the new value to mix in with the original value. Higher values mix in more of the new value. Lower values mix in less of the new value. A value of 1 means this node uses only the new value.

The default value is 1. See Mask for more information.


The amount of the Operation to apply. Higher values apply more of the b input to the Operation. Lower values apply less of the b input to the Operation.

The default value is 0.5.


The transition operation that the node performs.

Cross Dissolve

Blend each pixel from the a input into the b input.

Per-Pixel Flip

Randomly switch pixels from the a input to the b input.

Wipe (default)

Use a moving or evolving shape to replace one image (a input) with the other (b input).


When Operation is set to Per-Pixel Flip, this is the random number seed to adjust the per-pixel flip behavior. This parameter lets you select the randomness for variation.

The default value is 0.


When Operation is set to Wipe, these are shapes you can apply to the b input. If you wire in a shape input, that shape is used instead of this parameter.

Line (default)

A line moves across the overall image to switch between the two images. Higher Amount values increase how much of the b input’s image covers the a input image. Lower Amount values decrease how much of the b input’s image covers the a input image.


The b input is a rectangle that grows out of the center of the overlapping images. Higher Amount values expand the image outwards in a rectangular shape to cover more of the a input image. Lower Amount values contract the image towards the center to cover less of the a input image.


The b input is a circle that grows out of the center of the overlapping images. Higher Amount values expand the circumference of the image’s radius to cover more of the a input image. Lower Amount values contract the circumference of the image’s radius to cover less of the a input image.

4 Corner Shrink

The four corners of the b input are squares that grow out of the border towards the center of the overlapping images. Higher Amount values expand the image corners towards the center to cover more of the a input image. Lower Amount values shrink the image corners outwards from the center to cover less of the a input image.


When Operation is set to Wipe and Shape is set to Line, this is the orientation (in degrees) of the line shape.

The default value is 0.

Line Width

When Operation is set to Wipe, this is the thickness (in image units) of the line drawn between the two inputs.

The default value is 0.001.

Line Color

When Operation is set to Wipe, this is the color (including alpha) of the line drawn between the two inputs.

The default value is 1, 1, 1, 1.



The first input, which is the base layer you perform the wipe operation from.


The second input, which is the overlaying layer you perform the wipe operation to.


An optional layer that controls when pixels switch from one wipe to the other. This is equalized so the darkest value is the start of the wipe and the brightest value is the end of the wipe.


An optional per-pixel mask amount that’s scaled by the Mask parameter.



The first image replaced by the second image based on the wipe operation.


A layer with 1 where the second image was used and 0 where the first image was used.

See also

Copernicus nodes