Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

UV Map Copernicus node

Generates a UV Map.

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This operation generates a UV Map. This is a UV layer where each pixel represents a location in UV space. This can then be used to drive lookup operations, like UV Sample, or be used as the reference location for noises such as Fractal Noise.

Often this generates a bidirectional ramp - the first channel increasing left to right, and the second from bottom to top.

The ramp coordinates, however, are driven by either the data window or the display window.

The effect of this operation is to store in each pixel its position in UV space.


UV Space

Controls which coordinate system is used to generate the UV Map.


Texture coordinates go from 0 at the bottom left of the data window to 1 at the top right. The size of pixels isn’t square - a 16:9 image will have non-square pixels.

The default visualization for these is a red/green map.


Image coordinates go from -1 at the bottom left of the framed display window to 1 at the top right. The display window is framed so pixels are square, regardless of the image’s aspect ratio.

The default visaulization for these is a red/blue map.

U Border

When the pixel’s location lies out of the canonical range for the coordinate system (0..1 for texture, -1..1 for image), this controls how it is adjusted.


The location is clamped to the nearest valid value.


The location values are mirrored about the boundary.


The location values repeat from the far side of the image.


No adjust ment is made and the locations are left unchanged, useful for recording overscan.

U Shift

Horizontal adjustment to the pixel’s location, prior to clamping by the border.

U Cycles

Multiplicative scale on the pixels horizontal location. In wrapped mode, effectively allows the creation of repeating cycles.

V Border

When the pixel’s location lies out of the canonical range for the coordinate system (0..1 for texture, -1..1 for image), this controls how it is adjusted.


The location is clamped to the nearest valid value.


The location values are mirrored about the boundary.


The location values repeat from the far side of the image.


No adjust ment is made and the locations are left unchanged, useful for recording overscan.

V Shift

Vertical adjustment to the pixel’s location, prior to clamping by the border.

V Cycles

Multiplicative scale on the pixels vertical location. In wrapped mode, effectively allows the creation of repeating cycles.



A representative layer that determines the size of the output image and controls the metadata.



A UV layer storing locations in UV space for each pixel. Commonly used with UV Sample to lookup into another image.


A filter scale factor for how stretched the UV values are. This can be used to ensure proper filtering is done by UV Sample.

See also

Copernicus nodes