Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Chromatic Aberration Copernicus node

Adds chromatic aberration to your image.

On this page

This node adds chromatic aberration to the input image by scaling and rotating each channel individually. Chromatic aberration is color fringing, often red and green, caused by the camera lens' refractive index.

Before and after using the Chromatic Aberration node.

You can also simulate a chromatic aberration at render time by using a lens shader. This results in a more physically accurate render, but is more expensive since render times are longer.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


The method used to sample the image.

The default value is Box. See Filters for more information.


The amount of the new value to mix in with the original value. Higher values mix in more of the new value. Lower values mix in less of the new value. A value of 1 means this node uses only the new value.

The default value is 1. See Mask for more information.



The pivot point (in image space) to scale and rotate the channels around.

The default value is (0,0), which corresponds to the center of the image.


The amount (in image space) to scale the red channel. Higher values increase the offset between the channels, making the red channel expand outwards and become more apparent.

The default value is 0.15.


The amount (in image space) to scale the green channel. Higher values increase the offset between the channels, making the green channel expand outwards and become more apparent.

The default value is 0.


The amount (in image space) to scale the blue channel. Higher values increase the offset between the channels, making the blue channel expand outwards and become more apparent.

The default value is 0.15.

Global Distortion Scale

The amount (in image space) to scale all three channels. This applies a zoom-like effect to the image based on the Distortion Scale Mask parameter and the effect input.

The default value is 0.15.

Distortion Scale Mask

Scales the distortion based on the pixel’s coordinates.

By default, the ramp is set up so that the corners of the image are distorted while the center stays the same. For more information about using ramps, see Ramp parameters.



The amount (in degrees) to rotate the red channel by this angle. Higher values rotate the channel in a counterclockwise direction, which makes the offset between the channels more apparent. Lower values rotate the channel in a clockwise direction.

The default value is 0.


The amount (in degrees) to rotate the green channel by this angle. Higher values rotate the channel in a counterclockwise direction, which makes the offset between the channels more apparent. Lower values rotate the channel in a clockwise direction.

The default value is 0.


The amount (in degrees) to rotate the blue channel by this angle. Higher values rotate the channel in a counterclockwise direction, which makes the offset between the channels more apparent. Lower values rotate the channel in a clockwise direction.

The default value is 0.

Rotation Scale

The amount (in degrees) to rotate all three channels by this angle. This applies a curve-like effect to the image based on the Rotate Scale Mask parameter.

The default value is 1.

Rotate Scale Mask

Scales the rotation based on the pixel’s coordinates.

By default, the ramp is set up so that the corners of the image are rotated while the center stays the same. For more information about using ramps, see Ramp parameters.



The original layer to which you apply the chromatic aberration.


An optional per-pixel scaling amount of the chromatic aberration.


An optional per-pixel mask amount that’s scaled by the Mask parameter.



The source layer with chromatic aberration added.

Copernicus nodes