Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Distort Copernicus node

Distorts an input layer.

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This node distorts an incoming layer. It can perform the distortion in a fixed direction (while possibly varying strength) or by tracing through vectors of an input UV layer.


The Distort By Slope recipe will put down a Distort COP and a Slope Direction COP that plugs into the dir input of the Distort COP. This distorts the source image by pushing away from larger values of the Mono layer controlling the slopes towards the lower ones.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


The sampling behavior outside of the incoming layer’s boundaries. Automatically uses the layer’s border property.

See Border types for more information.


The filtering method used for sampling the source layer. Consider using one of the area filters (Box and later) if the distortion shrinks large regions and you notice noise.

See Filters for more information.


The amount of the new value to mix in with the original value. Higher values mix in more of the new value. Lower values mix in less of the new value. A value of 1 means this node uses only the new value.

The default value is 1. See Mask for more information.

Direction Type

Specifies the direction in which to distort the layer. This can be an angle in degrees (Angle) or a two-component vector representing the X and Y directions in image space (Coordinates).


Specifies the X and Y directions in image space when Direction Type is set to Coordinates.

Normalize Direction

Normalizes Direction when turned on.


Specifies the angle of distortion when Direction Type is set to Angle. Value of 0 corresponds to the positive X direction in image space.


Overall strength of distortion. Negative values follow the directions backwards when tracing.


Smears the image along the direction it is distorted by combining samples along the trajectory. When the dir input is not wired in, this is similar to what the Streak Blur COP does.

Pixels per Step

When off, a single step is taken for each pixel to figure out the source location. Although this is fast, it produces inaccurate results when the directions or scales vary. Turning on this parameter uses a more accurate algorithm to trace curved trajectories. The provided value controls the tracing quality. More pixels per step allows the node to take larger steps (this runs faster, but may miss intermediate variations in the distortion directions).

Maximum Steps

Clamps the number of steps taken when Pixels per Step is on. You can raise this parameter (and lower Pixels per Step) if the distortion doesn’t faithfully follow the directions. This can be especially noticeable when Streak is turned on.



The original layer to distort.


If you connect to this input, this is the per-pixel direction to distort along.


If you connect to this input, this is the per-pixel scale amount. The value of this layer acts as a multiplier on the Scale parameter.


An optional per-pixel mask amount that’s scaled by the Mask parameter.



The distorted output layer.

Copernicus nodes