Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Remap Copernicus node

Remaps a layer.

On this page

This node remaps a layer from an original range to a new range.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


The amount of the new value to mix in with the original value. Higher values mix in more of the new value. Lower values mix in less of the new value. A value of 1 means this node uses only the new value.

The default value is 1. See Mask for more information.

Channel Scope

The RGBA channels to which you apply the effects of this node.

Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha are on by default.

Toggle RGB

Turns the Red, Green, and Blue channels on and off.


Applies this node’s effects to the Red channel.


Applies this node’s effects to the Green channel.


Applies this node’s effects to the Blue channel.


Applies this node’s effects to the Alpha channel.



Remaps from an input range to an output range.


Remaps based on a threshold and a width to an output range. The threshold is equal to the midpoint. Assuming a Threshold of 0.5, a Width of 0, an output of (0,1) and a Threshold When of Greater, any values above 0.5 will become 1 and any values below 0.5 will become 0.

Threhold When


Values greater than the threshold get remapped to the higher end of the output range.

Greater or Equal

Values greater or equal to the threshold get remapped to the higher end of the output range.


Values lesser than the threshold get remapped to the higher end of the output range.

Less or Equal

Values lesser or equal to the threshold get remapped to the higher end of the output range.


The value of the input range that will map to the midpoint of the output range. Having a Threshold of 0.5 with a Width of 0.0 is the same as having an input range of (0.5,0.5).


The range on both sides of the threshold that determines the input min and max. A Threshold of 0.5 with a Width of 0.2 represents an input range of (0.4,0.6).

Input Min

Any value lesser or equal to this value will be remapped to be Output Min. Outside Range determines how values outside of the input range are treated.

Input Max

Any value greater or equal to this value will be remapped to be Output Max. Outside Range determines how values outside of the input range are treated.

Output Min

The lower end of the output range.

Output Max

The higher end of the output range.

Outside Range

Clamp at End

Values outside of the input range are clamped within the input range.


Values outside of the input range loop through the input range.


Values outside of the input range will extend the output range.


Shapes the remapped output.



The original layer to remap.


If you connect to this input, this is the per-pixel remap ramp for the input. This overrides the Ramp. You must use a mono channel for this input.


An optional per-pixel mask amount that’s scaled by the Mask parameter.



The remapped source layer.

Copernicus nodes