Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Tile Pattern Copernicus node

Generates rectangular tiles for texture patterns.

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This node generates rectangular shapes to create various texture patterns.

It has various predefined pattern types that can be accessed from the Pattern Type menu. Optionally, Custom Pattern gives controls to create more customized patterns.




Pattern Size

Controls the size of the pattern that tiles must cover. Usually this should be the size of the image.

Clip to Size

When Pattern Size is smaller than the image size, use this to control the tiles that have a centroid outside the given area.

Pattern Type

Sets various pre-defined pattern types. Choose Custom Pattern to create a new pattern. Use the menu to the right side of this parameter to control the amount of tiles in the selected pattern.

Stack Bond

The tiles are laid directly on top of one another with all joints aligned

Header Bond

The pattern is laid with the header course sitting halfway over the joints of the courses in the row below.

Stretcher Bond

The pattern is laid with the stretcher course sitting halfway over the joints of the courses in the row below.

Flamish Bond

Flemish bond is another traditional pattern where stretchers and headers are laid alternately in a single course.

American Bond

American Bond also referred to as Common Bond is a variation of the running bond patterns with a course of full headers at regular intervals.

Monk Bond

The monk bond is a variant of the Flemish bond and involves two stretchers between the headers in each course. The headers are centered over the joint between the two stretchers in the course below.

English Bond

A course of stretchers alternates with a course of headers. The stretcher course is each time started with a three-quarter brick.

Double English Bond

The pattern is made up of two alternating courses between headers and stretchers.


Windmill Pattern requires a square tile enclosed by four rectangular tiles that are double the size of the square. The repetition results in a grid-like look.

Cross Hatch

In each tile lines are placed at an angle to one another.


Groups of warp and weft threads are interfaced so that they form a simple criss-cross pattern.


Hopscotch is a modular tile pattern that is laid in a specific arrangement with two sizes of square tiles.

Herringbone N:1

The herringbone pattern is an arrangement of rectangles used for floor tilings and road pavement, so named for a fancied resemblance to the bones of a fish such as a herring. Use the parameter N to change the block edge length ratios for this pattern.

Herringbone 3:2

The herringbone pattern is an arrangement of rectangles used for floor tilings and road pavement, so named for a fancied resemblance to the bones of a fish such as a herring. This is a less common variation where the block edge length ratio is 3:2.

French Pattern

French Pattern or Versailles Pattern is a modular interlocking pattern that is reminiscent of a stone floor from the historic European palaces.

Custom Pattern

Provides controls to create a custom pattern.

The overall pattern is generated by defining tiles for the first row, which is located at the bottom of the pattern. The defined tiles repeat horizontally until they fill the row. You can also define multiple rows, and each row also repeats vertically until they fill the pattern.


Controls the mode by which to define the number of tiles in the pattern.


Using the Divisions parameter the generated pattern is always tileable. A pattern that can be repeated seamlessly along a surface, creating the illusion of a larger and more detailed material.

Tile Count

In this mode, the size of the tiles are calculated based on the Rows and Columns parameters.

Tile Size

In this mode, Tile Width and Tile Height provide direct control over the size of the tiles.


When Seamless mode is selected, it controls the size of the tiles making up the pattern.


When Tile Count mode is selected, it controls the number of rows in the pattern.


When Tile Count mode is selected, it controls the number of columns in the pattern.

Tile Width

When Tile Size mode is selected, it controls the horizontal size of the tiles.

Tile Height

When Tile Size mode is selected, it controls the vertical size of the tiles.


When Windmill is set, this controls the ratio between the central square and the four surrounding tiles. Increase this value to make the central tile larger.

Row Divisions

When Cross Hatch is set, this controls the number of tile divisions where the tile is divided horizontally.

Column Divisions

When Cross Hatch is set, this controls the number of tile divisions where the tile is divided vertically.

Row Thickness

When Basketwave is set, this controls the thickness of the tiles oriented horizontally.

Column Thickness

When Basketwave is set, this controls the thickness of the tiles oriented vertically.

Draw Square Bonds

When Basketwave is set, this controls whenever to draw the square tiles between the waves.

Tile Count

When Herringbone N:1 or Herringbone 3:2 and Tile Count mode are selected, it controls the number of tiles in the pattern.

Tile Size

When Herringbone N:1 or Herringbone 3:2 and Tile Size mode are selected, it controls the size of the tiles.


When Herringbone N:1 is set, this is the ratio that controls the thickness of the tile relative to the length. Increase this value to make the tiles thinner and elongated.

Flip Pattern

Flips the pattern 90 degrees.

Use Epxression

When this is off, the tile pattern is given by a nested multi-parameters. Turn this off to create the tile pattern using a custom tile expression.

Pattern Expression

Uses a special expression to define and repeat rows and columns until the pattern size is fully tiled.

Each row is defined in a new line using the following format:

[row_offset] [row_height] | [col_width1] [col_width2]

For Example:
[0.0] [0.2] | [0.2]

Use the additional flags followed by a value for advanced pattern creation:

[row_offset] [row_height] -s #.# | [col_width1 -h #.# -o #.# -v # -r #.#] [col_width2] ... -r #
  • -s (or —slide): Continuous offset for each row that is multiplied by the row number.

  • -h (or —height): This will overwrite the height of the column in the row, ignoring row height.

  • -o (or —offset): The vertical offset of a column in the row.

  • -v (or —visible): Whenever the column in the row is visible or not.

  • -r (or —rotate): The rotation of the column in the row.

  • -r (or —reflect): When columns need to repeat, always start from the first entry or from the last.

Number of Rows


Sets the visibility of the row. Turn this off to hide the row.

Row #


Sets the vertical offset of the columns in the row.

Reflect Block

When columns in the row need to be repeated, always start from the first entry or from the last.

Slide Offset

Continuous offset for each row that is multiplied by the row number.


The vertical height of the columns in the row.

Number of Columns


Sets the visibility of the column. Turn this off to hide the column.

Column #.#


The horizontal width of the column.


This will overwrite the height of the column in the row, ignoring Height.


This will overwrite the vertical offset of the column in the row.


The rotation of the column in the row.


Controls the shape placed over the tiles.

Shape Class

Shapes are organized into various groups. Basic shapes are consist of elementary algebraic shapes, while Marker and Compound contain shapes of various complexities.

Stretch Shape

Stretches the shape according to the tile ratio. Turn this off to not stretch the shape.

Basic Shapes

The list of available elementary algebraic shapes when Shape Class is set to Basic.

See Basic Shapes for more information.


The list of available marker shapes when Shape Class is set to Marker.

See Markers for more information.

Compound Shapes

The list of available complex shapes when Shape Class is set to Compound.

See Compound Shapes for more information.

Basic Shapes


The radius of the circle. Use this parameter to control the size of the circle.


When turned on, and the value is less than 1, the circle becomes an open arc, which can be used to create shapes of a sliced pie.


When turned on, and the value is less than 1, the circle becomes hollowed, which can be used to create ring-like shapes.

Round Ends

When both Arc and Thickness are turned on, use this to make the end of the ring shape rounded.

Quadratic Circle

When turned on, the circle changes into a quadratic circle shape.


Controls the horizontal and vertical size of the diamond shape.


Sets the length of the line, which is oriented horizontally at the center. Turn on Use Points next to this parameter if you need to control the exact positions for the start and end points of the line.

Start Point

Sets the horizontal and vertical position for the start point of the line.

End Point

Sets the horizontal and vertical position for the end point of the line.

Add Thickness

When turned on, the start and end thickness of the lines can be controlled by Start Thickness and End Thickness.

Start Thickness

The thickness of the line at the start point.

End Thickness

The thickness of the line at the end point.


When turned on, controls the thickness at the center of the line. A value of 0 means no bulging. In this mode, only Start Thickness is on to control the same thickness at both ends of the line.


Controls the horizontal and vertical size of the rectangle shape.

Round Corners

When turned on, controls the roundness of the corners. With a value of 1 and both horizontal and vertical size is equal, the shape becomes a circle. When this is set to 0, the rectangle is not rounded. Use Separate Controls next to this parameter to control the roundness for each corner separately.

Separate Controls

When turned on, the roundness of each corner can be controlled separately.

Top Left

Controls the roundness for the top left corner of the rectangle. Value of 1 means the corner is rounded to the maximum, and the value of 0 means that the corner is not rounded.

Top Right

Controls the roundness for the top right corner of the rectangle. Value of 1 means the corner is rounded to the maximum, and the value of 0 means that the corner is not rounded.

Bottom Left

Controls the roundness for the bottom left corner of the rectangle. Value of 1 means the corner is rounded to the maximum, and the value of 0 means that the corner is not rounded.

Bottom Right

Controls the roundness for the bottom right corner of the rectangle. Value of 1 means the corner is rounded to the maximum, and the value of 0 means that the corner is not rounded.


The size of the radius for the polygon shape.

Number of Sides

Controls the number of sides for the polygon. The larger the number the more the shape will resemble a circle.


The size of the radius for the spiral shape.

Arc Bend

Controls how much each arc length segment should bend towards the center. When this value is set to 0 and the Number of Arcs is set to 4, the arc is a perfect circle.

Number of Arcs

Controls the number of components the spiral is made of. When Arc Bend is set to 0, a value of 4 creates a perfect circle.


The size of the radius for a squircle, which is a shape intermediate between a square and a circle.


Controls the shape of the squircle. The value of 2 creates a perfect circle. Values above this will blend the shape more into a square. A value of 1 creates a diamond shape.


The size of the radius for the star shape.

Number of Sides

Controls the number of sides for the star. The larger the number, the more the shape will resemble a circle.

Angle Factor

Controls how much the center of the sides push towards the center of the shape. The angle factor of 2 will create a regular polygon shape instead of a star.


Controls the vertical height of the trapezoid.

Bottom Length

Controls the horizontal length at the bottom of the trapezoid.

Top Length

Controls the horizontal length at the top of the trapezoid.


Controls the horizontal length at the bottom of the triangle.


Controls the vertical height of the triangle.

Use Points

When this is turned on, the three corners of the triangle are controlled by Point0, Point1 and Point2 parameters.

Point 0

Controls the bottom left corner position of the triangle.

Point 1

Controls the top corner position of the triangle.

Point 2

Controls the bottom right corner position of the triangle.


Controls the amount of distortion applied to the wave. Values closer to 0 will make the wave look like a flat line. The value of 0.5 closer resembles a sine wave, while a value of 1 will fold the wave pattern onto each other.

Element Size

Controls the size of the wave pattern. Lower values will make smaller patterns.



The radius of the marker. Use this parameter to control the size of the shape.

Compound Shapes


Controls the horizontal width of the arch. Increase this value to make the shape wider.


Controls the vertical height of the arch. The value of 0 creates a half-circle.


Controls the overall length of the arrow, both shaft and head. After adjusting the length, use the Head Ratio to control the size of the head relative to the new arrow length.

Use Points

When this is turned on, the start and end points of the arrow can be controlled by Start Point and End Point parameters.

Start Point

Sets the horizontal and vertical position for the start point of the arrow.

End Point

Sets the horizontal and vertical position for the end point of the arrow.

Shaft Thickness

Sets the vertical thickness of the shaft of the arrow. Increase this parameter to make the shaft thicker.

Head Thickness

Sets the vertical thickness of the head of the arrow. Increase this parameter to make the head thicker.

Head Ratio

Sets the horizontal ratio between the head and the shaft of the arrow.

Cross Size

Controls the overall size of the cross shape.

Cross Inset

Controls the amount to chip away from the corners of a square. When this value is set to 0, the result is a perfect square. Increasing this value will chip away the shape starting from the corners of the square.

Cross Bevel

Controls the amount of rounding at the inner corner of the cross.


The size of the radius for the egg.


Controls the roundness of the top edge of the egg. A value of 0 creates an egg shape with a sharp top edge, and increasing this value smooths the top edge. The value of 1 will create a perfect circle shape.


Controls the thickness of the fishscale shape. This shape is generally used for fishscale-like tile patterns.


The overall size of the horseshoe.


Controls the arc length of the horseshoe. The value of 0 creates a perfect round shape, closing both ends of the horseshoe.


Controls the extent of each end of the horseshoe.


Controls the thickness of the horseshoe.

Outter Radius

Controls the overall radius of the moon. For a generic moon shape, this parameter should be larger than Inner Radius.

Inner Radius

Controls the radius of the shape that will be cut out from the body of the moon given by Outter Radius.

Inner Offset

The horizontal position of the inner shape given by Inner Radius to control where to cut into the moon.


Controls the thickness of the octagon-dot shape. This shape is generally used for octagon-dot-like tile patterns.


Controls the overall size of the cross. The value of 0 creates a perfect circle.


Controls the thickness of the cross.


The size of the radius for the vesica.


Controls the vertical thickness of the vesica shape. Increasing this value makes the shape more rounded.


Draw As

Controls how to draw the shape into the tile.


The tile will be filled with a single value based on Tile Value.


The shape will fade from the center towards the edges. The fading can be controlled using Fade Distance.


The shape will be drawn as a gradient ramp.


Only the edges of the shape will be drawn as outlines.

Fade Distance

When Draw As is set to Distance, this controls the distance from the edge, from which the zero edge value fades into the Tile Value towards the center.


When Type is set to Horizontal or Vertical, this is the rotation (in degrees) of the linear ramp.

Ramp Type

The type of ramp to generate.


Ramp is linear type with points horizontally.


Ramp is linear type with points vertically.


Ramp is circular with points extending radially.


Ramp is circular with points at varying distances from the center.

Gradient Ramp

Draws the shape as a gradient ramp.

For more information about using ramps, see Ramp parameters.

Outline Width

Controls the thickness of the outline. Increase this value to create a thicker outline.



The method used to sample the image.

The default value is Box. See Filters for more information.

Blend Method

When mulitple stamps overlap, this controls how they blend together.

Depth-Sorted Over

The points are pre-sorted by their depth. The farthest ones are rendered first, so closer points paint over them. Because this needs to sort this can be expensive.

Unsorted Depth-Weighted Over

A non-linear weighting is applied that roughly approximates depth-sorting without the need for sorting.


The stamps add together.


Each stamp subtracts its value, likely requiring background to start non-zero.


Each stamp multiplies its value, likely requiring background to start non-zero.


The maximum of each stamp with the current background is used.


The minimum of each stamp with the current background is used.

Randomize Stamp Order

Randomly varies the point order by which the points are stamped into the image. Change the value if the current variation is undesirable.


Tile Value

Controls the value of the shape inside the tile. Set Uniform to Set Varying on the right side of this parameter to randomize the value per tile.


The maximum allowed variation for the tiles. The value of 0 means no variation from Tile Value.


Controls random selection for variation. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.

Background Value

Controls the value outside of the shape.


Row Offset

Offsets the horizontal position of each tile with this amount.

Column Offset

Offsets the vertical position of each tile with this amount.

Row Slide Offset

Offsets each row horizontally with increasing amount based on the row number. This is used to create brick wall like patterns. To add further offset randomness to each row, change the menu on the right side of this parameter from Uniform to Set Varying.


Sets the maximum allowed row offset variation.


Controls random selection for variation. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.

Uniform Jitter

Controls the offset to move the points along the plane of grid. This is used to create positional randomness both horizontally and vertically for each tile.

Horizontal Jitter

Controls the offset to move the points horizontally along the plane of grid.

Vertical Jitter

Controls the offset to move the points vertically along the plane of grid.


Rotate Pattern

Rotates the pattern based on the value in degrees.

Rotate Tile

Rotates each tile from its center in degrees.

Rotate Variation

Sets the maximum allowed variation in degrees. Rotated angles will be between Rotate Tile - Rotate Variation and Rotate Tile + Rotate Variation.


Controls random selection for variation. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.

Checkerboard Rotate

Rotates the tiles that the rotation alternates between 0 and 90 degrees.

Orient Tiles

Sets the orientation attribute for the tiles. This ensures that using Horizontal Scale and Vertical Scale always scale the right edge of the tiles. Especially when the pattern consists of tiles that are both longer than wider and wider than longer.


Uniform Scale

Sets the scale for the tiles. Set Uniform to Set Varying on the right side of this parameter to randomize the scale per tile. The amount of scale depends on the size of each tile. If you need to dilate the tiles with equal amounts use Inset instead.


Sets the maximum allowed variation. The value of 0 means that there is no variation from Uniform Scale.


Controls random selection for variation. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.

Horizontal Scale

Sets the horizontal scale for the tiles. Set Uniform to Set Varying on the right side of this parameter to randomize the scale per tile.


Sets the maximum allowed variation. The value of 0 means that there is no variation from Horizontal Scale.

Vertical Scale

Sets the vertical scale for the tiles. Set Uniform to Set Varying on the right side of this parameter to randomize the scale per tile.


Sets the maximum allowed variation. The value of 0 means that there is no variation from Vertical Scale.


Dilates the edges of the tiles regardless of the height or width of each tile. Set Uniform to Set Varying on the right side of this parameter to randomize the inset per tile.


Sets the maximum allowed variation. The value of 0 means that there is no variation from Inset.

Prune Tiles

Tile Selection

By Tile Order

This menu controls the order by which the tiles are removed. If you turned on Row Offset or Column Offset or if you use a custom pattern, the first tile might not be the tile at the bottom left position.


The ordering of the tiles is unchanged. As Threshold increases more and more tiles are removed starting from the bottom left corner of the pattern.


The ordering of the tiles are reversed. As Threshold increases more and more tiles are removed starting from the top right corner of the pattern.


The tiles are randomized.


The ordering of the tiles is unchanged. However, this method provides a control to shift the tile order.


Controls the number of tiles to be removed. This is a normalized value, 0 does not remove any tiles, while the value of 1 removes all tiles in the pattern. Turn on Negate Selection on the right side of this parameter to reverse the selection.

Negate Selection

When turned on, instead of deleting anything selected, it will delete anything not selected.


When Random tile order is selected, controls random selection for variation. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.


When Shift tile order is selected, offsets the tiles that are removed.

Every Nth Tile

When this is turned on, deletes every (number of the parameter) tile. Turn on Negate Selection on the right side of this parameter to reverse the selection.

Every Nth Row

When this is turned on, deletes every (number of the parameter) row. Turn on Negate Selection on the right side of this parameter to reverse the selection.

Every Nth Column

When this is turned on, deletes every (number of the parameter) column. Turn on Negate Selection on the right side of this parameter to reverse the selection.


The removal alternates across the pattern.

Split Tiles

Split Tiles

Split Tiles

When this is turned on, tiles can be split according to various rules.


When this is turned on, tiles that already split have a chance to split again iteratively. This number controls the maximum number of times a tile can be split.

Area Threshold

When this is turned on, any tile that has an area smaller than this value will not be split. Use this parameter to limit splitting small tiles.

Split Treshold

Controls the number of tiles to be split. This is a normalized value, 0 does not split any tiles, while the value of 1 splits all tiles in the pattern.

Number of Splits

When a tile is selected for split, this controls the number of splits for a tile. Set Uniform to Set Varying on the right side of this parameter to randomize the number of splits per tile.


Sets the maximum allowed variation. The value of 0 means that there is no variation from Number of Splits. While the value of 1 means that a tile can split 1 or Number of Splits-1 times.


Controls random selection for variation. Change the value of the Seed if the current variation is undesirable.

Jitter Scale

Controls the split position of the tiles. Set Uniform to Set Varying on the right side of this parameter to further randomize the number of splits per tile.


Sets the maximum allowed variation. The value of 0 means that there is no variation from Jitter Scale.

Orient Ratio

Controls whenever the tiles should be split horizontally or vertically. The value of 0 means that all tiles are split horizontally, and the value of 1 means that all tiles are split 'vertically'. The value of 0.5 will split tiles both horizontally and vertically in equal ratio.



A representative layer that determines the size of the output image and controls the metadata.


An optional mask amount for points.


An optional scaling amount for stamping.



The tiled layer.


An ID layer storing the ID values.


A UV layer storing the UV values.

See also

Copernicus nodes