Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Mirror Copernicus node

Mirrors an image based on an arbitrary number of planes.

On this page

This node mirrors its input along a user-defined number of lines, which means you can select the amount of mirror planes. By default, the mirror runs vertically down the middle of your image to create a line of symmetry (the mirror plane). This reflects the left side of the image to the right side.

Before and after using the Mirror node with three mirror planes applied.

You can use this node to create symmetric patterns, such as radial symmetry. For example, use this node to create a plate that has designs repeating around the dish.

The following table outlines how to add and remove mirrors when the Mode is Custom Mirror Planes.

To...Do this

Insert a mirror at the end of the list

Click the button beside the Mirrors parameter.

Insert a mirror before a specific mirror in the list

Click the button beside the mirror’s Angle parameter above which you want to add a mirror.

Delete the mirror at the end of the list

Click the button beside the Mirrors parameter.

Delete a specific mirror

Click the button beside the Angle parameter of the mirror you want to remove.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


The method you use to specify and configure the number of mirror planes.

Number and Offset (default)

Set the total number of mirror planes and the angle between and offset of each plane.

Custom Mirror Planes

Add a custom number of mirror planes and a custom angle and offset for each plane.

Number of Planes

When Mode is Number and Offset, this is the total number of mirror planes to apply. The Angle parameter values are cumulative.

The default value is 1.


When Mode is Custom Mirror Planes, this is the number of mirror planes to apply. The node sequentially performs mirroring, applying the Angle and Offset parameters from the first to the last in the list.

The default value is 1.


When Mode is Number and Offset, this is the angle (in degrees) between each mirror plane. When Mode is Custom Mirror Planes, this is the angle (in degrees) of the mirror plane. Positive values mirror the left side of the image. Negative values mirror the right side of the image.

When Mode is Number and Offset:

  • This parameter’s value is cumulative. For example, setting this parameter to 20 and Number of Planes to 3 equates to having three planes respectively set to 20, 40, and 60 degrees.

  • You can set this parameter as an expression (such as [-]180/ch("numberplanes")) for procedural radial symmetry to make sure you always output a circle.

The default value is 0.


When Mode is Number and Offset, this is the amount (in image space) of perpendicular offset from the origin. When Mode is Custom Mirror Planes, this is the amount (in image space) to perpendicularly offset the mirror plane along the image. Positive values move the mirror plane towards the right side of the image. Negative values move the mirror plane towards the left side of the image.

The default value is 0.



The original layer to which you apply the mirrors.



The mirrored source layer.

Copernicus nodes