Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Subnetwork Copernicus node

Used to organize a collection of COPs into one node.

On this page

This operator contains other COP nodes, and can be used to organize parts of a network by collapsing them into one node at the higher level. Input and Output operators can be used inside a subnetwork to fetch its inputs from the outside, and to pass desired results as outputs.

You can create an HDA operator out of a subnetwork by selecting Create Digital Asset… from the menu.

Signature of this node is controlled by its Inputs and Outputs multiparms. Contained Input and Output nodes inherit their signature from the parent subnetwork.



Controls the number of inputs exposed on this subnetwork node.

Input Label

Label of the respective input port.

Input Type

Type of the respective port. This parameter affects the subnetwork’s signature and thus the types of data that can be plugged into it.


Controls the number of outputs exposed on this subnetwork node.

Output Label

Label of the respective output port.

Output Type

Type of the respective port. This parameter affects the subnetwork’s signature and the type of data that flows out of this port.


Inputs plugged into this node can be accessed inside the subnetwork through outputs of Input COPs.


Data plugged into Output node inside this subnetwork flow out through the subnetwork’s output ports.

See also

Copernicus nodes