Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Stamp Points Copernicus node

Stamps layers from point positions.

On this page

This operation takes a point cloud in a geometry input and stamps each one into the output layer using a corresponding input layer.

Point attriubtes are used to drive the stamping, allowing SOPs to be used to build complicated effects.


While points can be depth sorted, this is a 2D operation and the resulting stamps are always of camera-facing textures with no perspective transform.



The layer type that the source accepts.

See Signatures for more information.


Background Color

The initial background color.

Background Alpha

The initial background alpha.

Stamp Color

A tint for the stamp.

Stamp Alpha

A scale for the stamped alpha.



If a clipshape is not provided, this determines the shape of the stamp. If it is provided, it is treated as an SDF and the zero contour will determine the cut out shape.


A square.


A perfect circle.


A uniform scale for the stamped values. This is multiplied by a pscale attribute.


An angle in degrees to rotate the stamps by. This is added to a spriterot for the final angle.

Shape Edge Filter

A filter-scale to apply for filtering the edge of the cutout of a stamped shape. Zero will make it all or nothing but result in aliasing, 1 will do the expected level of aliasing for the current resolution.

Shape Falloff

How much into the shape the falloff region should extend.


Instancing Attributes

Attributes in Houdini can specify instancing either through sprite attributes, such as with the Sprite SOP, or through the standard copy and transform attributes.


Detect which attributes to use by what are present.

If orient, transform, up and N, or up and v are present, the standard attributes will be used.

Standard Instancing

Use the standard instancing attributes. These use the standard attributes such as orient and up to construct a transform for the point. This is then used to compute the proper spriterot and spritescale to match it.


Use the standard sprite attributes. This uses spriterot, spritescale, and spriteuv.

Up Axis

When converting standard instancing attributes, you must know which axis maps to “up” on the stamp.

Rotation from

Which axis is read out to determine the effective rotation, as they may not be consistent in the case of shears, etc.

Number of Stamps

The number of possible stamps to use. These are indexed from zero with the stamp attribute.


The method used to sample the image.

The default value is Box. See Filters for more information.

Blend Method

When mulitple stamps overlap, this controls how they blend together.

Depth-Sorted Over

The points are pre-sorted by their depth. The farthest ones are rendered first, so closer points paint over them. Because this needs to sort this can be expensive.

Unsorted Depth-Weighted Over

A non-linear weighting is applied that roughly approximates depth-sorting without the need for sorting.


The stamps add together.


Each stamp subtracts its value, likely requiring background to start non-zero.


Each stamp multiplies its value, likely requiring background to start non-zero.


The maximum of each stamp with the current background is used.


The minimum of each stamp with the current background is used.



A representative layer that determines the size of the output image and controls the metadata.


Geometry containing points to stamp.


An SDF to use as a cut-out for the stamped textures. This allows sharp shapes to be used with arbitrary textures.


A mask to select which points will stamp. This is an all-or-nothing mask. It stamps if a point’s location is in this mask, otherwise it doesn’t stamp.


A sequence of layers to stamp. Up to a maximum number of 8 layers can be input. The stamp integer point attribute can be used to select which one is used.



A layer with the result of the stamping applied.


The id attribute of the point that contributed the most, or the point number if that attribute isn’t present.


The uv coordinates of the point that contributed the most to this pixel. This is in image space.

See also

Copernicus nodes