Houdini 20.5 Nodes Copernicus nodes

Rasterize Setup Copernicus node

Prepares geometry for the Rasterize Geometry COP.

On this page

This node performs common preparations to setup geometry for the Rasterize Geometry COP. Since the default camera for layers is a unit-radius cube at the origin, it is important to fit and align geometry so it renders as expected.



What space to render in. Rather than having the rasterize geometry unwrap, this can unwrap into UV space so you can verify it is correct in the viewport before rasterization.


Use P, which is the geometry as it is.


Unwrap the geometry into a UV space. This involves splitting the polygons along UV seams, copying UV onto P, and then re-fitting the 0 to 1 UV space to the -1 to 1 camera space.


The default camera is to look down the Z-axis with Y-up. You can switch to Z-up if you want a top-down rasterization.


Leave the geometry unchanged so the default cameras render Y-up.


Rotate the geometry so the original Z axis points up, and the original Y-axis points with the camera.

Fit From

The incoming geometry can be fit into the camera space.

No Fitting

Do not adjust the spacing of the geoemtry.

Bounding Box

Use the bounding box of the geometry as the source shape to fit.

Reference Box

Use a specific reference size as the source shape to fit. This is useful if you have an animated source to fit and do not want fitting to change every frame, or want to ignore ascenders or descenders.

Reference Size

The size of the reference box to fit into the target box.

Reference Position

The center of the reference box to fit into the target box.

Target Position

The center of the target box to fit to.

Target Size

The size of the target box to fit to.

Scale to Fit

Apply a uniform scale to fit to the target box. Otherwise only a translation will be done.

Fit Depth

You may wish to auto-squash the depth of your geometry to a given bounds without affecting the other axes. This specifies what range the resulting geometry should extend over.

UV Attribute

The attribute to use for UV unwrapping. This can be vertex or point.

Add Normals If Needed

Computes normals if none are present. The Rasterize Geometry COP does not compute missing normals, so this is important if pipelining variable geometry.

Add Depth

Add a depth attribute of this name. This can be rasterized to get a normalized 1 to 0 depth, where 1 is closest to the camera and 0 the farthest. This tends to be a useful setup for masks, as opposed to the true depth which can have more difficult to work with ranges.

Original Position

The original position, prior to unwrapping or fitting, is stashed into this attribute. This allows one to rasterize the original positions.



The geometry to prepare for rasterization.



The geometry that is setup for rasterization.

See also

Copernicus nodes