Houdini 20.5 Nodes Geometry nodes

VOP SOP geometry node

Contains a VOP network that can manipulate point attributes.

This node type is deprecated. It is scheduled to be deleted in an upcoming revision of Houdini.

Use the Attribute VOP node instead.

(Since version 14.0.)

This node contains a VOP network (double-click the node in the network editor to go inside it) which can use SOP context VOPs to manipulate attributes on geometry points. (To define a SOP using a (textual) VEX program instead of a VOP network, use the VEX SOP instead.)


If there are no points in the geometry, the network will not run.

See creating a VEX surface node type for more information.

This node is useful for creating 'one-off' programs to manipulate geometry in a single surface network. To use a VOP network to define a reusable surface node type, see creating a VEX surface node type.


The op:/ syntax only works to reference SOPs, not POPs.


Point group

If you enter the name of a point group in the first input geometry in this parameter, only the points in that group will be affected by the VOP network.

Number of threads

The number of separate threads to use to evaluate the points. The default is no threading.

Since Houdini evaluates the VOP network for each point in the input geometry, it can benefit greatly from threading on a multi-processor or multi-core machine.

Evaluation Node Path

VEX functions like ch() usually evaluate with respect to this node. Providing a path here can override where the path search starts from. This is useful for embedding in a digital asset where you would like the top level digital asset to be the search root.


These ch() expressions are used when using inline code inside the VOP to call outside parameters. This has nothing to do with ch() expressions you could put on the parameter UI of a VOP SOP.

See also

Geometry nodes